Download GPX of only section of route

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  • Zoe Clarke Sunday 30 May 2021 19:51:43


    I have a very long route, and I would like to only download a small section of it as a GPX file. Is this possible? And if it is, how would I go about doing this?



  • Mark Worthington   Sunday 30 May 2021 23:27:17

    Assuming the original route exists either on you computer or is saved within PR .....

    • load the file into PR
    • select the section of interest by editing the route to remove the rest, say, or changing the start/finish to match your "small section", or by creating a trace and then re-plotting your "small section" etc etc etc
    • download or save the route as a GPX, in a new file

    Your original route will not be changed if you don't overwrite it.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 31 May 2021 09:20:15

    Hi  Zoe,

    The best tool to use for this is the Shorten Route tool in the route planner toolbar. You can use this to crop the route before downloading it. If you want to save the cropped route just be sure to click the SAVE AS NEW ROUTE button after clicking SAVE so that you don't overwrite your original one!


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