Thanks for suggestions. It may be possible for us to make an Undo option available afer adding a route to the background map - we'll look into this.
Glad you didn't lose anything, and good suggestions that Plotaroute might like to consider! :)
I've experimented and confirm that the warning message appears if unsaved changes are outstanding.
When I experienced the problem, I'm sure that no warning message appeared. I can only conclude that I had, in fact, saved my changes so I was taken straight to the message: "The route has been added to the background map...". Because this was completely unexpected, I panicked and used the 'Back' button to try and redeem myself but then got completely lost. Not understanding what had happened, I did not realise that I might be able to re-load my route. (I think I tried this but did not regain my lost directions. I cannot be sure, now, of the exact sequece of events.)
I can see it would be difficult to make a sysem change that could circumvent this eventuality. Perhaps more descriptive text could be added to the message? It could, at least give the title "Trace a Route". Maybe also a brief hint to re-load the route if this was an unintended action?
Now that I have played around a bit with this, I alsways seem to see teh warning message first .....
Can you try and reproduce the issue and list exactly the process you followed, please?
Yes, I'm pretty sure you are right. I was intending to measure a section of my route and the 'trace' icon is very similar. My point is that this accidental miss-click is extraordinarily destructive, losing all of the currently entered but unsaved directions.
It sounds like you have used the Trace tool.
If you are plotting anew route, you should see this warning message
followed by this
If you are editing a saved route (save in Plotaroue) then you would just see the 2nd message. You can re-load your route but I think any changes you made would have been lost.
I've managed to mis-click on the toolbar and selected an option that I did not know even existed. It has tranferred my route onto the background map but, in so doing erased all my directions. It would not have been a problem if the 'undo option' was available (or a confirmation dialogue) but I'm now stuck not knowing how to get back to the route I was plotting.