in my app (not sure for the desktop version) the hill profile of any of my routes will show 'undifined' for all the waymarks. Do others also experience this or is it my settings
Where are you seeing this Meinrad? Can you provide a bit more information?
Yes I can ofcourse :)
all this is done through the web app, as i am currently not close to a desktop;
when I go to my routes and select a route, I choose the option "view profile". Then i get the usual double screen with the map below and the profile above. In the profile the waymarks (they are called 'labels' in the profile i think) are also visible. However, their title is always 'undefined'. When i would view the route, all the waymarks have a title. So the titles seem not to be transfered correctly (though the symbol of the waymark is)
(I tried to add a picture before, but it didnt seem to upload it here)
This is rather strange behaviour.
The 'undefined' is 'Second line' that I only can see be edited in this hills section if you select the labels tab.
But if you edit something in this labels tab, I can't see how to save those changes.
Got it! Thanks Meinrad, we'll look into it and get it fixed.
Peter - The route profile tool initially display any labels that have been saved with the route, so to save changes you'd need to modify the labels on the route itself in the route planner. Any changes you make to labels in the route profile tool are only temporary, although you can reload an ameded route profile view by saving the link to the route profile that you get when you click SHARE in the route profile tool.
Ok, then I understand, but maybe the button 'Save changes' in Labels tab is a little misleading.
Thanks for taking up this issue! Thats of great help.
keep up all the amazing work you are doing!