I have been plotting some routes that I would like to export, and use the gpx file later on as the base to recreate the ride as virtual ride and do it with a smart trainer, and I noticed that at some points along the route there are some really sharp changes on the incline percentage (showing sometimes inclines up to 40-50%) which seem to be linked to the presence of road tunnels or harpins.
I was wondering if your app might have a tool that I could use to smooth those brief sharp inclines?When using the gpx file outside on the real world that wouldn't be a problem, but for my intented use it creates an artificial high incline that will show up on the virtual ride.
Hi Rafael - you can use our Route Profile tool to see what effect different levels of smoothing has but this won't overwrite the elevation readings when you come to download the route I'm afraid. To access the Route Profile tool click the button labeled "Explore Hills in More Details" that you can see in your screenshot or the same button on the View Route page.
Answering myself, I found this application at GitHub, but unsure what smooth method might keep the gpx as realistic as possible?