I really like your timer feature with included ETA values but...
1. I would like to have the possibility to export timer data (CSV for instance). It will help me sometimes to have timer predictions by distance so that I can adjust ETA according to actual times during activity. Example: 1km - 12km/h, 2km 11km/h, 3km 11,5km/h...
2. Can you display overall expected pace/speed? I enter my walking speed to 10km/h, then you calculate ETA according to elevation. After that, I don't know what my expected speed/pace would be for the entire route. This value is not hard for you to calculate and display somewhere.
Have a nice day, Primož.
Thanks for these suggestions. We've added a new feature request (number 98) to create a Pace Profile feature, so that people can vote for this and we'll see if we can add in the other point when we next make changes to the Timer feature.
Increase the Ave Flat Speed to 100.00 Kph for Timer feature. Please!