Something is definitely wrong. I have been using Plotaroute for several years and I have NEVER encountered the inability to control the map. I can't find a hand tool if I want to move around the map. (The program has sent me to the middle of Africa twice!) When I try to move the cursor, it either dramatically zooms in or dramatically zooms out. By dramatically, I mean it does not move a little bit. The map becomes either Lilliputian or Brobdingnagian...there is no middle ground. Or if I manage to get to that middle, it doesn't stay there. Sometimes I get kicked off the map entirely and end up miles and miles away, all nicely drawn with that red line. Wow! And then there's the Africa thing. What is happening?
I've been using the directional arrows and sometimes they work to relocate me, but sometimes not.
Today would be a great time for me to work out another version of a route, but maybe I should use another mapping service today. I don't think you can quickly help me.
DeAnne Brown
Just FYI, I am a premium member and I am not having issues as you describe. Not a commercial, just an observation.
To John Wesley Pratt, I'm also a Premium member and have been for several years. I am not inexperienced at route marking. As of today, I have 49 routes under Plotaroute. Until today I enjoyed plotting them. I never had any of these kinds of problems before today. Today was amazingly difficult. I finally did finish two more routes but it took a very long time and it took a lot of patience and perseverance to finish them. I do not have any idea what has gone wrong, but someone on the staff will contact me soon, I am sure!
It sounds like you may have a sticky mouse button DeAnne. Can you try using a different mouse?
DeAnne Brown,
My apologies. No offense intended. Just offering up an idea to help swat a bug. I see you are quite accomplished.
Merry Christmas
To Plotaroute Administration,
I don't use a mouse. I have a touch pad. That's a good suggestion, though. Thank you.
To John Wesley Brett,
My apologies for misspelling your name. As soon as I hit the SUBMIT button, I noticed my error. I appreciate your help in trying to solve my sudden, inexplicable problem.
Happy New Year!
I edited the map I created a few days ago when I had so many problems with control. I don't know what happened that day, but the program was just fine today, and I had no control issues. I replaced a few sections that had wobbly lines and made them straight. This is the Plotaroute that is familiar to me. Thank you, everyone, for your assistance.
Terrific news!