I use a samsung s8 phone. I've had plotaroute for years. Now suddenly the arrow button that locates where you are, doesn't work and show my location. The dotted circle just goes round and round. The location gps works fine for every other phone app...google strave, relive etc. Any ideas anyone?
It sounds like you may have accidentally disabled location services for our website. Have a look at the following link to see if this helps: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/142065?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en
Thanks, but location is turned on with google chrome. Location works with apps like strava and relive. Plotaroute is web based, so I just don't get it. How would I have accidentally disabled location services for your website? Can I check within the website itself? I'm not an expert as you can tell
I don't know how ...but it's working now! 😃 Thanks