why are distances on plotaroute different than google maps?

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  • lisa wise Saturday 07 Dec 2019 20:47:48

    Hey all, I started using plotaroute to calculate distances for running routes, and I've found that there is a mile difference between googlemaps and plotaroute. What could account for this discrepancy? 

    Thanks  for any insight you might have.

  • Peter Höglund   Sunday 08 Dec 2019 19:41:13

    Can you share examples?

  • lisa wise Monday 16 Dec 2019 00:15:21

    Apologies for the delayed response, I went through the Plotaroute route with a fine tooth comb, and it looks like when the "on foot" option is selected it was having me triple traverse a few blocks... down, back, and back down.  Zoomed out, it was not noticeable.  The overlap traced the same line, but the mileage jumped up by a mile in 3 blocks. 

    Problem solved!

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