15 character name limit too stringent on Garmin fit file downloads

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  • Nigel Jones Saturday 28 Sep 2019 10:27:24

    I have a Garmin device that will accept a fit file with more than 15 characters in the name field. Plotaroute truncates the name field to 15 characters for compliance across all Garmin devices. I name my routes so that I can easily find them eg "Journey to somewhere" to go somewhere and "Journey to somewhere return" to get back. In this example, plotaroute truncates the name field of the fit files generated to the first 15 characters ie "Journey_to_some" for BOTH routes. This means that my Garmin "thinks" that both routes are the same so it will only generate one course from the 2 fit files. I know plotaroute gives you the option of changing the name field for compliance with 15 characters, but I find it too low a limit - "Jou_to_som" and "Jou_to_som_ret" are not that easy to decipher. Could there be an option to turn the 15 character name field limit off? It would be much easier to find routes on my Garmin if the name field of the fit file was the same as the full name of the route. An option to remove underscores from the name field would be nice too.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 30 Sep 2019 11:09:36

    Thanks for the suggestion Nigel. I think this is probably something we'd be able to change when we next carry out work on this part of the site.  I'll add it to the list!


  • Nigel Jones Monday 30 Sep 2019 12:32:18

    Thanks. That would be great. I've only just joined plotaroute. I love the route plotting capabilities - it's easy to use with the added bonus of being able to dowload the route as a fit file tailored for my Garmin. I used to use bikemap.net, but they revamped their route plotting engine, and the new route planner isn't anywhere as good as the old version. By the way - ignore my comments about the underscores - they only show up on the downloaded file name - they don't show on the list of courses available on my Garmin. Keep up the good work.

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