Searching for routes - Search Radius

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  • Fred Smith Thursday 19 Sep 2019 10:13:01

    It seems when I search for routes near me, I get loads of routes (I live in London), some of which are near me and some are further away. There are too many to display.

    It would be great to be able to specify a search radius to narrow down the list of routes - say routes going within half a mile.

    Especially for parents with kids (and maybe no car), finding routes which are very local is really useful.

    Sorry if this a duplicate or I've missed something, I had a look before I posted, but am new.


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 20 Sep 2019 09:29:58

    Hi Fred,

    You can search more locally in the route finder by zooming in to the area you are intersted in and clicking the REFRESH SEARCH button above the search results in the left side panel. It will find the nearest 500 routes to the centre of the maps that meet your search criteria. You can narrow down the results by clicking the FILTER RESULTS button to select just those that you are inetested in (e.g. routes that are between x and y miles long).


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