I'm unable to show Coursepoints on Garmin Edge 820

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  • Tour McTour Sunday 10 May 2020 12:47:26

    Just got told this on Garmin forums - will try it tomorrow:


    In the settings for the route itself make sure course points are turned on.

    Turn off turn guidance (page 12 in the manual). Navigation > Courses > Saved Courses > hamburger menu > Turn turn guidance off.

    Now you can follow a course and the unit won't calculate its own directions.  The course points will pop up at their location and display whatever you have written in them.

  • Tour McTour Sunday 10 May 2020 12:20:10

    Hi Jose (and John),

    Did you figure out a solution to this? My Edge 830 also seems to be generating its own instructions and ignoring mine (mine are better), also shifting my route to where it thinks the roads are (it's wrong), which is a bit annoying! Love to hear if you have worked out how to stop it trying to be too clever.



  • Jose Manuel Valverde   Monday 19 Aug 2019 13:03:03


    that are my current settings. And yes, I think this is the "normal" Garmin 820 behaviour.

    What is surprising is that even if I avoid recalculation disabling TBT indications and avoiding going to the beginning of the pace, the coursepoints are not shown in the cuesheet (which is empty) or when you arrive on them. But they are shown in the map.

    I am going to try on the garmin side. I've seen in their forums that other people had the same strange behaviour. I will try to file a bug.

    Best regards

    José Manuel

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 19 Aug 2019 09:35:05

    Hi José,

    I'm not sure what to suggest.  It sounds like your Garmin is generating its own instructions rather than using the coursepoints in the file.  Can you check the following routing settings on your device?

    Avoidance SetUp: disable all

    Recalculation: turn off

    There isn't really any benefit in checking the file in Garmin Comnect, as it may be modified during the import process.

    I would also recommend using TCX format, as GPX files don't contain courses, so can only generate waypoints rather than coursepoints.


  • Jose Manuel Valverde   Friday 16 Aug 2019 20:16:58


    I'm begining to think this is not your problem. I've set my device to avoir any recalculation, rerouting or anything like that. I've uploaded my track in gpx format. 

    When I open the Course in the device before clicking "Go" I can see a map where my course points are present (at this point I can't access a cue sheet). Then I clic "Go" to start the ride. I don't ask to take me to the starting point. And then the Garmin begins to calculate all the TBT instructions for the road.

    I still can see the course points on the map, but they don't appear in the cue sheet as it only contains the freshly calculated TBT instructions.

    José Manuel

  • Jose Manuel Valverde   Friday 16 Aug 2019 19:42:07

    Hi John.

    I can't say this is new. It's new for me since I use the Edge 820, let's say 2 months. In fact, at the beginning I though it was the Edge 820 behaviour as the direction points seemed to be replaced by the ones generated by the routing features of the Edge 820 itself.

    The trouble is not only with the Garmin device as I can reproduce it with the Garmin site when I upload the TCX file. 

    The route I used doesn't have "Slight" types. I've tried to import the same route as a gpx file to the Garmin Route Planner : same result.

    John, to avoid making the problem more complex, how do you want I do my tests ? with the Garmin site or directly on the device ? If you prefer the latter what settings should I set ?

    José Manuel

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 16 Aug 2019 14:30:03

    Hi José ,

    Is this something that's only started happening today?  We've implemented a new version of our FIT downloader today, so I'm wondering if this has caused the problem. The new version uses additional course point types that are supported by FIT but not TCX, like "Slight Left" and "Sharp Right". I'm wondering if your Garmin device is rejecting the coursepoints because of this.  




  • Jose Manuel Valverde   Friday 16 Aug 2019 14:11:37

    Hi John,

    I usually add coursepoints to my routes using the directions feature. I then export them in fit format to load them on a Garmin Edge 820. I used the same method on an Edge 520 to have TBT information and it worked great.

    The problem is that I can't show the Coursepoints on the Edge 820. I have disabled the rerouting feature etc, without having a better result.

    As I can't read fit files, I've checked if all the information was present in the tcx file. It's OK. Then I've imported the tcx file to Garmin Connect Route Planner and no course point is detected. 

    I you want I can send you one of my files to check if I'm doing something wrong when I add my directions.

    Best regards

    José Manuel

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