Upload GPX via mobile website. Why isn't it working? :(
Or is there a link that I can use?
Hi Max - are you trying to upload a GPX file from your iPhone to the website or download a GPX file from the website to your iPhone? You can download a route by viewing the route map on your iPhone and selecting Download from the menu above the map. If you wanted to upload a GPX file to the website, you would need to use the desktop verison of the site as we don't have an option for uploading on the the mobile site.
Thank you, John!
I am trying to download a route from plotaroute to my iPhone. It says in the 'View Page,' select 'Download.' I can't find the 'Download.' Perhaps I am not on the right page. I am a newbie, and I find the number of pages overwhelming.
I found it!! Thank you.