Turn warning just bit to late on Wahoo Bolt

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  • Martin Schrijnders Friday 14 Jun 2019 15:26:55

    If this is of topic or wrongly adressed, feel free to remove or point me in the coreect direction:

    Her is the thing: I exported a route (for testng purposes) as tcx with the turn warning turned of (to avoid double set of waypoints). Imported it in wahoo element for my Wahoo Bolt.

    What struck me is that I do get directions to go right or left (also nicely with an arrow icon) but when I would exactly follow it I will be about 20 meters past the turn, so I have to take the turn 20 meters earlier then the distance indications tells me too. 

    Any ideas about this?

  • Peter Höglund   Saturday 15 Jun 2019 08:11:56

    Yes, it is the same för me with my Garmin fenix5x. For 5x it is because the device is late in updating where I am on map and in navigation overall. No prob with the file.

    Plotaroute could give an option to compensate for this though when saving the file. Think I have a feature request for this that you could vote for:)

  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 15 Jun 2019 14:14:29

    The directions should be in the correct places when you download the file from plotaroute, so I think as Peter says, its probably your device reacting slowly to your position.  I like the idea of a new feature to shift the position of directions though - we'll see if we can add this. 


  • Peter Höglund   Saturday 15 Jun 2019 19:39:37

    "I like the idea of a new feature to shift the position"


  • Martin Schrijnders Monday 17 Jun 2019 11:46:21

    Tnx folks, was afraid for that. But great idea to compensate by shifting the position. If you can tell me the feature request numer I will support that one! Tnx again.


  • Martin Schrijnders Sunday 29 Dec 2019 13:05:21

    Hi there,

    Is there any progress on this topic, can I support a feature request?

  • Martin Schrijnders Sunday 29 Dec 2019 13:09:24

    Sorry, just stumbled over the shift route directions update, it's there already. Thanks.

  • Jim Aiton Sunday 16 Feb 2020 13:22:07

    Could you please point me to the shift route directions option. I have looked at both the web and mobile app but can't find it. Just started with plotaroute so apologies if this is just a case of looking but not seeing!

  • Peter Höglund   Sunday 16 Feb 2020 14:01:23

    This feature is so great, also for fenix6 watches.

    On the mobile it can be easy to miss. When in download dialogue, look directly under header Course points, then to the right of 'Directions', you have a slider for 'Shift back by ...'.

  • Jim Aiton Sunday 16 Feb 2020 14:25:24

    Peter, many thanks for your help. As a beginner I  hadn't realised that I had to save in the FIT file format to make the 'Shift back' dialogue appear!  All good now.

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