Edge810 not navigating turn-by-turn *only* when on route

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  • Rob Williams Wednesday 24 Apr 2019 13:48:28

    Hi folks

    Weird one, which I'm sure is just a setting I'm missing somewhere.

    If I plot a route on plotaroute and export it as TCX (or GPX - I've tried both) to my Edge 810, when I'm actually on the course the Edge doesn't give me turn by turn. I get a very thin pink track overlaid on the map, but nothing else.

    If I select navigate to start, I get genuine turn by turn up until the start (with a thick pink line), then as above. If I'm on a route and I tell it to navigate straight to a saved position, it'll calculate a new route and give me turn by turn to that saved position.

    It's like I've got a setting somewhere that's making turn-by-turn stop, whenever I'm using a course from plotaroute.

    Anyone got an idea what that might be?



    PS: basemap is a recent build from OpenStreetMap.

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 25 Apr 2019 08:23:44

    Hi Rob - have a look in your navigation settings on the device.  I believe you need to have the following set:

    • Guidance - Off Road
    • Lock on Road - No
    • Recalculate - Off
    • Avoidance Setup - Do Not Avoid

    Hope that helps.


  • Rob Williams Friday 26 Apr 2019 13:55:15

    Found an old Garmin forum post that had the answer, but thanks for the response!:


    I found a fix for this for those interested, it turns out the 3.40 firmware removes turn by turn by default. To turn it back on you have to tap on the folder on the main screen (bottom left) > courses> 3 bars > Turn Guidance

    Hope that helps someone out!

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