Some mobile GPS apps hide certain symbols or custom markers while navigating to keep the screen clear. Check your app settings to see if there's an option to show them during navigation. If not, the app might not support displaying them while following a route.
I have symbols on a map which I wanted to use whilst on the move but they do not appear when following the route on my bike. Did I read somewhere that they wont work whilst the map is in use?
How do you save symbols added to the map that are not plotted directly on the route. ie after saving the route, how to recover the off route waypoints?
No, sorry Scott, you'll need to plot a route to save to be able to save anything.
If you add symbols before plotting a route the symbols disapear:-(
Is there some way to save the symbols without having to do a route plot ?
Sorry, we don't have an option to import your own symbols, however you can add custom labels.
Can we add our own symbols to maps?
Thanks for the suggestion Willy, but we're not planning on making any more changes to downloads for a while I'm afraid, as we want to focus on some other areas.
Sorry I accidentally deleted the photo. New attempt.
Suggest to add additional best match Garmin tcx_fit PointType & gpx sym support that do correspond with existing Plotaroute Icons.
Find in the greyed cells in attached picture.