show hills profile without labels ?

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 05 Apr 2018 20:51:14

    Thanks Christine, we'll have a look into that and make the list scrollable so that it doesn't go off the screen.


  • Dan Hirst Thursday 05 Apr 2018 14:39:22

    I found it, when I click custom labels, it has the on/off slider at the top. When there are a lot of labels on this route, though, these are listed below and if they fill the screen, the top part of the layer (with the on/off slider) doesn't show. Maybe you want to check this. (Chrome)


  • Dan Hirst Thursday 05 Apr 2018 14:30:26

    Hi, in the old version you could turn off "show labels" in the hills profile. Is this not possible any more? I need to print a hills profile but I don't want the labels with it? Thank you

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