That's great - thanks for confirming and for your help resolving this.
NICE !!!
It works. Good job. Thanks a lot for the reactivity.
José Manuel
PS : I had thought about the computer too, so early this morning I did the test :-)
Hi José Manuel - I think I may have found the cause of the problem, can you try downloading and transferring a new file please?
Hi José Manuel,
I'm wondering if it may be a problem with the computer you are using to do the transfers. As you say, it's odd that it fails on both devices but I can't think of anything that's changed at our end, so I'm not sure why there would be any difference between the two files, except the timestamps on the trackpoints. I haven't seen a file before - does that appear when you try transferring the newly generated TCX file?
If you can send me the two files (the one that works and the one that doesn't) I can compare them and also try them out on a Garmin Edge 500 here. You can use the Contact Us page to send them (you may need to send each file separately).
I wanted to verify if there where differences between "new and old" TCX issued from the same old road (484505 R GorArdeche).
There are differences in the dates of the trackpoints (new ones are "now") and there are light coordinate differences. Then I have renamed the New TCX and changed <Name> and <Id> to R GorArdeche2. If you want I can send you both files.
The old file uploads nicely and the new one fails. And I have a in the courses dir. I have been able to open it on BaseCampand the track seems ok but directions are missing.
Just let me know if I can do something else. If nothing has changed recently concerning tcx generation, the only next step on my side seems to be a hard reset.
Best regards,
José Manuel
I've done the following :
- connect Garmin to PC
- remove all courses from PC
- disconnect Garmin & reboot -> check that there are no courses
- reconnect garmin to PC
- add route 502469 to NewFiles
- disconnect Garmin and reboot
- no courses on Garmin
The /debugging/err_rpt_log.csv does not show recent errors
Garmin Version 6.10 is quite old. According to the records of the err-rpt_log file, I already had it in June.
What I find odd is that I have the same bahaviour in two different devices that haven't been loaded with the same courses. And that any newly generated TCX fails to upload.
José Manuel
Hi John,
Thanks for the idea. I'm going to remove all the routes from the courses directory. If you want to have a look at the roads with trouble : 502413 and 502469 are KO. 484505 is OK
Hi José Manuel,
I've done some tests and I'm pretty sure this is a Garmin issue rather than anything to do with the TCX files. I had the same problem as you trying to copy a TCX file to a Garmin Edge 500 but it worked OK when I deleted all the existing files from the Courses folder, before copying the TCX file to the NewFiles folder. It's possible that one of the existing course files is affecting the creation of new ones.
If you're still having problems though, can you let me know which route you are downlaoding and I'll try it with that route on a Garmin Edge here.
Hi - thanks for flagging this up. I'll have a look into it and post back when I've done some tests.
Since the last 2 weeks I'm having problems uploading tcx files to my Edge 510. Files put in the NewFiles directory are treated when the devices boots (boot is longer) but files disappear from NewFiles and Courses.
This kind of thing used to happen when tcx files were too big, as if treatment was interrputed by a timeout. Now it happens whatever the length of the route is. Sometimes I find a file in the Couses directory.
I have tried with two different devices (both Edge 510, same version 6.10).
I have tried to generate new tcx files from old routes and I have the same behaviour. Old tcx files have no problem.
GPX files work fine, generated from old or new routes.
I hope I have given you enough information. Of course I'm ready to do any extra test you need.
José Manuel