The Paths maps uses the same data as the OpenStreetMap map so I'm not sure why they are different. If you don't mind sending me the images I'll have a look. I'll email you directly with an address.
Well, I was twice recently in a situation where I faced innapropriate paths for road bikes. I had to ride few kilometers in trails risking tyre damage.
When looking at OpenStreet Map, I saw these paths were indicated as not appropriate but not on the plotaroute map.
I can provide specific images if you wish.
Thanks for this suggestion Michel. The Paths map option that we already have is a built from OpenStreetMaps data. Is there something specifically that you're looing for from the standard OpenStreetMap maps that isn't on the Paths map?
Would be great if Plotaroute offered the possiblity to use OpenStreetMap. Thank you.