Add Turn points for Garmin

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  • Richard O   Wednesday 10 May 2017 11:21:21

    Hi.  I use a Garmin edge 500, and so for navigation i rely on the pop-up messages (symbol and short text).  Can you help me:

    1) When i try to add my own turn points, it seems to allow only direction 'text' - The symbol i select is ignored (i just received a straight arrow); This inserted point did not get a turn warning like the others.  [In the direction list box the symbol does not appear in the 'turn' column].  This is a significant problem when uploading a course rather than creating one from scratch as no auto-turn points are generated.

    2) There does not seem to be any way to edit the turn point automatically added - ie. to change the symbol or the text

    3) Where there is an out and back route, there does not seem to be any way to assign the diirection/turn point specifically to each direction. ie. inserting the point the plotter wanted to add it to the return direction and i could not add one to the outbound direction.

    4) Finally to lesser note, when i have used other sites the Garmin also gets a screen with directions list including distance to next turn.  This can be quite useful when riding.


  • Richard O   Wednesday 10 May 2017 11:28:43

    I should say on 2 when trying to edit a turn point - The edit box offers text and symbol, but these are not the symbol or text that are actually then dispayed on Garmin.  eg. you can select a right turn and change symbol to straight, but it still just shows a right arrow when played on devise.

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 10 May 2017 14:42:42

    Hi Richard,

    The symbols that you can optionally attach to directions are not turn arrows - they are only for visual display on the online map or when printing a route. The turn arrows are automatically generated based on the shape of the route.  I'm afraid there is no way to override the turn arrows at present - this is on our Feature Requests list (number 59) so anyone interested in this can vote for it there to move it up the list.

    You can edit a direction that has already been added but clicking on it in the Directions panel on the left of the route planner map.  You'll need to be in Edit mode to do this (click the Edit This Route button at the top of the map if you have just loaded the route).

    I'm afraid I'm not clear about what you mean in point number 3.  You can add directions at any point on a route be clicing the "Add" button above the directions list and then dragging the Edit marker to where you want the directions to be added. If two parts of a route overlap and it is selecting the wrong part you may need to separate the overlapping sections slightly so it can distinguisgh between them - this is best done using the Drag Mode (switch at top of map).

    I'm not sure about the last point, we simply provide the route in the standard TCX format, so it should load in the same way as a TCX file from elsewhere.



  • Richard O   Wednesday 10 May 2017 19:14:03

    HI.  Thanks for the reply

    I guess what i am saying is that it would be really useful for Garmin Edge user (typically cyclists) if you can see the Turn info that will be displayed and be able to edit or add my own.  I am not interested in the long directions narative and info that will only appear on the online map.

    The last point is something i have had before from using bikeroutetoaster whereby the Garmin can display a screen of uncoming turns and distances to.  They were tcx files - not sure why your files do not seem to support this, but it is possible (and useful).

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 11 May 2017 10:16:25

    Hi Richard - You can certainly edit the directions or add your own, so you could make them as short or as long as you like.  I'm not sure how the device you're using chooses what to display but my understanding was that it displayed each of the directions as you approach them.

    The Garmin screen showing the list of turns and distances sounds like a feature of the Garmin device rather than something to do with the TCX file, but I'm happy to look into this further if you have an example of a TCX file where you get this list.  Let me know and I can contact you directly with an address to send it to.


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