When printing a route & setting Information, Profile, Directions & Photos to No X I get 3 pages with numbers 1 & 3 blank & number 2 giving the desired map.
I can't remenber this happening before, is this a bug or is it me?
Hi John - thanks for flagging this up, a bug crept in when we did the recent upgrade for printing photos. I've found the cause of the blank page 3 and have put in a fix for this. The fix could take up to 24 hours to take effect on all routes. However, I can't reproduce the blank page 1. If this is still happening can you let me know which page you are printing from please?
The fix has stopped blank page 3
Still getting blank page 1
This is the page I'm printing from.
I can't seem to be able to reproduce this problem here John. Can you confirm what settings you have chosen in the print panel please?
Layout Landscape
Page Size A4
Map Pages 1
Map Type Paths
Information No
Profile No
Directions No
Photos No
I still can't reproduce the problem here John. Can you let me know what browser you are using please?
I'm using Cyberfox.
Just tried Google Chrome & it solves it.
Very strange because I've always used Cyberfox before.
It's hard to know why that's happening in your Cyberfox browser. I'm afraid it's not practical for us to test the site in every browser as we don't have the capacity, so we recommend using the site with one of the leading browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer.