Total posts in this topic: 11
Update. Picture inclusive the FIT files navigation orders.
Thanks Willy. I'll have a look at your suggestions. We might be able to do something as part of the chnages we are making at the moment.
Hi John.
Sure Garmin navigation by tcx (fit) is popular but new development is not announced by Garmin.
In tcx course navigation coursepoints info is in <Name><Notes> AND (always English) <PointType> (Informative_compact)
Plotaroute gpx track navigation info in waypoints is in <name><cmt><desc> and always <sym>Flag, Blue (Non informative)
My suggestion: Add compact direction information into the (always English) <sym> (Similar to the tcx system).
In link see the attached gpx navigation waypoints by informative <sym> as used by Android Locus app.
Contains not only basic Left Right Straight but has extra instructions as set by the <sym> text.
A rarity in free gpx development but would be appreciated there is some uniformity in used <sym>.
More info in the Locus discussion forum: (To see the attachments pse register)
We are planning to add some new features to enhance the routes directions in the next update to the route planner, including the ability to change turn arrows.
A picture update by actual new Android Locus map development.
Feature ID61: +/- as in the picture ?
Creating short commands in tcx <Name> or gpx <name> In tcx <Name> 10 character limit by the Garmin tcx standard !
In tcx <Pointtype> out of 16 types, has 3 directions types, Left/Right/Straight.
As there exist "no gpx navigation standard system" suggest to use a most similar gpx <sym> by the typical standard Garmin gpx symbol range.
Same as by the "JavawaRTWtool" converting the tcx coursepoints into gpx waypoints.
Hi Andreas,
Navigation (tcx). Four lines of instructions ? So no info from the 10 characters limited tcx <Name> but displayed info from the tcx <Notes> attribute.
Can you add some more info pse. What hardware in use ? Garmin.... ? Android app...... ? Or....
Thanks for taking the time to put forward these suggestions Andreas, much appreciated. I#ve added them to our Feature Requests list where people can vote for them (numbers 59, 60 and 61).