Exporting GPX Tracks for Basecamp

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  • frank irvine Saturday 13 Aug 2016 16:18:48

    Here is the problem i have been having with the steps i have taken:
    Create a route

    Save it, then download the route as GPX Tracks

    Import into Garmin Basecamp for use in my GPS

    I get errors because upon validating the GPX file i have downloaded its not a properly formatted GPX/XML file.

    I upload my GPX file to this site to validate http://www.validome.org/xml/validate/

    and it returns several errors.  I'm not am XML coder so not prepared to correct the issues!

    To resolve the issue i have been downloading the file as a KML file.

    Open Google MY MAPS and importing the KML file.

    Then i save that as a GPX file which i can now succesfully import into Garmin Basecamp and upload into my GPS.

    Anyone else experiencing this problem? By the way even if i plot a very simple route i still have the same problem. I really should learn some XML and figure out how to resolve myself!

  • Willy Van Driessche Sunday 14 Aug 2016 08:50:32

    HI Frank,  Anyone else experiencing this problem?  

    No problems to open gpx track files generated by Plotaroute in Mapsource, nor Basecamp, nor in any other program.

    Validate by http://firstobject-xml-editor.software.informer.com/2.4/

    Tools -> MSXML Validate: Succesfull Result MSXML 6.0:Valid.  

    Can you share an exported gpx testfile via dropbox link, toghether with the link to your Plotaroute public design.?  


  • plotaroute admin   Monday 15 Aug 2016 14:24:32

    Hi Frank - I'd need to look at an example file to determine what the issue might be.  I'll email you with an address to send it to.


  • frank irvine Monday 15 Aug 2016 15:15:55

    Thank you John I will get one to you tonight.



  • frank irvine Tuesday 16 Aug 2016 00:53:45

    Ok John i dont know how many gpx files i have deleted because they wouldnt load into Basecamp. Of course now tonight I've downloaded several GPX (Track files) from Plot a Route and not one of them has been giving me issues!

    I'd say it must be user error (on my part i mean).

    Thanks for your quick response to help me out (you too Willy Van Driessche), if i do encounter this in the near future i willl be sure to not delete the file and forward it onto you for further investigation.


    Thanks again,


  • Peter Callow   Tuesday 16 Aug 2016 09:07:24


    I'm new to PlotaRoute so forgive me if my comments are rubbish.

    To test out the reported problem I used your site to create a 20-mile "work to home" route.  I saved this in different formats (i.e. both routes and tracks with and without turn-by-turn directions) and then tried importing them into BaseCamp.  The routes didn't work at all (but they did successfully import manually into my Garmin) but both of the tracks did.  Once imported the tracks could be converted into Garmin routes without problems.

    The only thing I did notice (and I've seen this using ViewRanger as well) was that a large number of "locations" were now listed in BaseCamp; and on my Garmin if I manually added the routes/tracks.  In the past, when I used ViewRanger to post a 50-mile circular route, someone wrote back that their attempt to import it to their Garmin device resulted in their memory being filled with a vast number locations - they were not best pleased ... 
    I subsequently tried it with my Edge 510 and the same thing happened - I was able to get around this by using a PC to manually delete all locations (this was a TCX track and the turn instructions were still there).  However, it was less than ideal.

    Is there a commonality here?

    If you need them I can make the routes and tracks (and the BaseCamp versions) public, so you can play with them.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    Peter Callow.

  • Willy Van Driessche Tuesday 16 Aug 2016 20:24:57

    A Route (rte) by Potaroute. Import failure in Garmin Mapsource and Basecamp.

    Failure caused by: In routepoint (rtpet) <time> is after <name> 

    Correct: In routepoint (rtpet) <time> should come after <ele> before <name>

  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 21 Aug 2016 20:18:21

    Thanks for identifying the Route file syntax issue Willy - I'll get that fixed asap and report back here.


  • Richard Jessop Wednesday 07 Jun 2017 00:51:42

    This seems to be an old issue however, as a new user, I have saved several files as gpx routes however, when I try to import them into basecamp (import into my collection), each file errors out with the following:  Unknown error. Error opening import file. This is the header info in the file including a couple of start points to see if it helps anyone to determine the issue. Also, I deleted basecamp and downloaded the most current version. I cleaned out all the leftover files/folders prior to installing the new version to ensure a clean install. Version 4.6.2 2008-2016. The systems I am using are Windows 10 and Windows 7, all current with updates. This system is Windows 10 Pro build 10.0.15063. If you need more input, let me know as I will be happy to help you, help me get this fixed.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" creator="www.plotaroute.com" version="1.1"  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd">
    <desc>Route created on plotaroute.com</desc>
    <rtept lat="40.52441" lon="-75.8733">
    <name>Start near</name>
    <cmt>Start near 403-439 Main St, Virginville, PA 19564, USA</cmt>
    <desc>Start near 403-439 Main St, Virginville, PA 19564, USA</desc>
    <rtept lat="40.52441" lon="-75.8733">

  • frank irvine Wednesday 07 Jun 2017 12:53:50

    Hi Richard, when you download your file from Plot A Route are you downloading it in this format, when the popup window is displayed you get several options, you muct use these ones:

    File Type - GPS

    File Format - GPX

    GPX Type - Track

    Once you answer that i will try to help you further. But that seems to work well for me, i am also using Win10.

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