Hi Colin - sorry, there isn't currently any way to change the PointType symbol in downloaded course files. You're only option would be to download it as a TCX file and then manually edit it.
Is there a way, when manually adding a coursePoint, to make plotaroute use the Garmin supported set of PointType in the exported .tcx ? For example SUMMIT ?
This approach worked OK, (had to turn off auto-plot to separate the routes). This is the same point as raised under "Editing directions - road used both ways".
One way to do this would be to zoom right in on the map and then use the Drag Mode (switch at top of map) to drag the points very slightly apart, so that you can select the right point more easily.
I like to put a coursepoint on the summit of climbs . To do this I manually add one and it appears on my Garmin. I recently plotted a route that used the same summit in different directions. I found it impossible to add two coursepoints by manually dragging as it kept snapping.
Being able to manually set the distance to the coursepoint on the edit list would probably let me do this, rather than manually dragging. Would also be more exact as you can use the elevation window to get distances.
Is there another way to achieve this?