Reverse a route

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  • Stephen Briggs Wednesday 04 Nov 2020 10:04:22

    Many thanks for that. Very much appreciated. I have also found your method successful. Will remember that in future.  Stephen

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 04 Nov 2020 08:21:37

    Thanks Stpehen. I've just tried using the Snap Route to Map feature on that route and it worked for me (with "Walk" as the Activity and "20m" as the Proximity). Did you have the Activity set to "Bike"? It's possible that there is a section of the route where bike routing is not available. Usually routing on foot is more permissive than routing by bike, so its worth trying that if routing by bike doesn't come up with anything.

  • Stephen Briggs Tuesday 03 Nov 2020 15:19:05

    Thanks. It is in my account titled "Walbury H. Tarrant reversed

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 03 Nov 2020 08:22:57

    Do you still have a copy of your reversed route in your account Stpehen? If you let us know which one it is we can try to investigate why it wouldn't snap to the map. 

  • Stephen Briggs Monday 02 Nov 2020 16:48:39

    Thanks for picking this up. I receive an error message which says "Sorry, we were unable to match this route to the map with your chosen settings. This may be due to unknown or prohibited access as part of the route for the Activity type you chose due to a section of the route being too far from a matching road or path. Try choosing an alternative activity type or increasing the snap proximity setting." 

    The initial route I wanted reversing did have a short section along a clearly marked track rather than the rest which was on minor roads. In case that was a problem, I tried another route which was all road and got the same error message. I have tried each of the proximity settings but to no avail.

    I have tried your helpful suggestion and used the Trace a Route feature enabling me easily to replot the reversed route. This then of course gave me the directions I needed for the Garmin.

    Hope the above is helpful

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 02 Nov 2020 08:26:04

    What happens when you try using the Snap Route to Map tool with your route Stephen? An alternative is to use the Trace a Route feature to trace over the reversed route in order to generate the reversed directions.

  • Stephen Briggs Friday 30 Oct 2020 23:05:11

    Thanks Peter. Yes I have but the software doesn't allow it to happen.

  • Peter Höglund   Friday 30 Oct 2020 16:54:17

    Have you tried the snap route to map tool?

  • Stephen Briggs Friday 30 Oct 2020 16:27:17

    Having generated a circular route, I have reversed it as indicated to enable the gradients to be more favourable for my ride. However, this removes the turn by turn directions. The program refuses to add them back using the Snap to route facility. Is there any other way of doing this. Thanks.

  • Trevor Morris Wednesday 20 Jan 2016 12:56:03

    Gotcha! Thanks, John

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