GPX locaton on GPS

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  • Derrick King Thursday 07 Jan 2016 17:13:59

    Does anyone know if there is a way in PlotaRoute to change the location of where it puts the GPX.

    I believe GPX files can be put in internal memory in Garmin\GPX folder or on the SD card in Garmin/GPX. I am sending my Caches (GSAK) to the GPX and then creating routes, using PlotARoute and also sending the route to the GPS. I give the Routes and Caches the same name, so the first file is over written by the subsequent file.

    I have started prefixing the filenames with C or R which gets over the problem, but I keep forgetting every once in a while and when I get out in the field I realise one of the files is missing.

    Its not major problem, but would be nice if it could be done


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 08 Jan 2016 09:43:24

    Hi Derrick - if you download the route as a file rather than use the direct Garmin download option you can then copy it to wherever you like.


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