Optimize every single street within an area

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  • Geo Geo Wednesday 06 Jan 2016 15:23:25

    Ah......Thanks John. It seems no one is able to do this. I hope you guys do it as it can be a game changer of a feature! Thanks again and happy new year.

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 06 Jan 2016 09:53:33

    Hi - I'm afraid plotaroute.com isn't designed for something like that.


  • Geo Geo Tuesday 05 Jan 2016 19:42:16



    Can PAR generate an optimized driving route to hit every single stree within an area? Meaning if I have a .25 mile radius, I want to drive every street without missing one and have PAR route all the streets to save time and gas. Can it do this?


    Thanks in advance!

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