Editing directions - road used both ways

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  • Colin Hoppe   Wednesday 09 Dec 2015 21:53:07

    I've noticed perhaps two things that aren't quite right ...

    1) if a circular route is created by Plotaroute, then some of the early directions might also appear at the end, AFTER the last proper direction for the route - perhaps that is because the same stretch of road is re-used (in the opposite direction)  (deleting these usually makes it ok)

    2) If a stretch of road is re-used it can be difficult to insert a direction by dragging a new one onto the map, because it doesn't know whether I want it at the start or at the end of the route ...

    Solution ?  To 2 that is, how about allowing me to insert and direction eg after a specific direction number - then I could ensure it was on the inbound journey rather than the outbound journey, for example ...


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 11 Dec 2015 08:38:34

    Hi Colin - Thanks for your feedback.  I can't seem to be able to recreate the first problem though.  Perhaps you are plotting the final point past the start?  You can use the "Back to the Start" feature in the Plot menu to plot the final stretch of the route so that it finishes exactly where you started, avoding any overrun and extra directions.

    On the other point about problems inserting directions on sections of a route that overlap, I 'll have a think about options for dealing with this.  One thing we are considering is adding a new feature that allows overlapping sections to be separated, so for example on an out and back route that goes out and back alomg the same road, you could separate the route by just a few metres so that the outbound section goes down the left side of the road and the return section goes down the right, rather than both down the middle, then it would be easier to select the correct point on the route.  This will also help GPS devices with navigation, as they too can get confused by overlapping sections of a route.



  • Colin Hoppe   Friday 11 Dec 2015 09:43:13

    Hello John

    I always make sure that I start and end in a slightly different place - the end point is never quite as far up the road as the start point, specifically to avoid any confusion in the SatNav.


    I've seen the duplicated directions a few times.  Next time I see some I'll let you know.  I'll try to spot one before I touch it.

    I have used the back to start function, but not lately as I've been using the circular routes.

    It sounds as if you have something underway regarding overlapping routes and I look forward to that in due course.

    Thanks again


  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 12 Dec 2015 09:11:45

    OK Colin, thanks.  If you can tell me the steps to recreate the propblem that would be helpful.  The Back to the Start feature should be ideal for circular routes though - with the Auto-Plot switch on it will plot the last part of either an out and back route or a a circular route.


  • Colin Hoppe   Saturday 12 Dec 2015 13:55:31

    Hi John

    It's difficult to know how to recreate the situation, because I created a bunch of routes one day, then edited them for the first time another day - and perhaps finished them another - and I only see the extras when I've worked my way to the bottom of the list of directions - so it all seems foggy.

    In fact, thinking about it now - and realising that inserted directions can actually go to the wrong end of the route - it's possible that the extras were actually created by me trying to insert at the begining.  It is possible.  Certainly I recall saving an insertion, then see it's not in the list (near the beginning), so I saved it again. But thereagain, how did I finally get what I wanted into the right place ... ?  I don't know.

    This has happened just a few time over a few months.  Now I'm aware of the issue of inserting when using the road both ways, I'll look out - I'll check the end of the route immediately it is created and let you know if I find anything odd.



  • Colin Hoppe   Saturday 20 Feb 2016 18:30:03

    Hello John

    Route ID 117660 was created some time ago and I was just preparing it for riding. 

    I added an direction which was supposed to appear as No5 but because the path is used in both directions, it assumes (for some reason) that I want it on the return leg ... so it actualy appears as direction No 78.  This probably won't surprise you and I guess this is the origin of the duplicate directions I originally mentioned.  Previously, I hadn't realised it was putting them at the bottom of the list as I was, of course, looking at the top of the list.  Then when I eventually worked down the list checking, there were the "duplicates"



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