Hi, I'm using the bike path setting on path view. Excellent detail really good to use. But where can I see a legend/key to what the paths being indicated are. I see green, red brown and occasional yellow brown dotted lines. I tried to interpret by cross referencing an ordinance survey legend but not entirly convinced that it translates across completely. If a legend isn't a current feature could it be added in at some point.
Many thanks
Hi Andrew - you can view the Key to the bike path maps by clicking the little downard arrow to the left of the BIKE PATHS tick box.
I agree can we have a legend box for the path view please.
Currently depitction of the paths is confusing. I assume blue is cycle route - Is green a byway - if so why does plotaroute note use it in bike mode?
Great site and utility by the way use it all the time.
I note the comment about a tick box to the left of the bike paths box - but I don't see one!
There is a tick box on the right but this does not give you what the colour designations mean.
Hi Jerry - Glad you're finding the site useful. There has been a small design change since my post below. To access the map key for the bike paths, click the bike symbol in the Map Type selector.
Thats Great John thanks so much.
I have used your site extensively, especially recently while preparing for the Great Divide Cycle Ride this year in Canada and the US.
One thing I have noticed while writing my up my post trip blog/journal - the hights of the passes on Plotaroute, as identified using th emouse in the route profile tool, are invariably greater than those quoted on Adventure Cycling Association 'official' maps.
Is this a genric feature of Plotaroute?
Its no big deal as you have to get up a hill whatever the quoted heights just seems an anomoly
It could simply be a different measurement system. It's hard to know without a detailed investigation into the peaks concerned, which is not feasible for us to do. There is more information on this though in another forum topic on peak heights.
Hi I am trying to ploty a trail route. What are singel dashed lines in the terrain mode map?
I assume double dashed lines are off -road paths.
Hi - I'm not sure what you're referring to. Can you share a short route that shows an example of the dashed lines?
Here is a screenshot link https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzzwn7so6786hcz/Screenshot%202018-06-13%2019.03.13.png?dl=0
There are dashed lines...