I want to print the map onto one page, but it overflows to two pages.
screen recording...
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Hi Wes - It seems to work OK for me here so it could just be a print settings issue. Can you try changing the Margin setting under "More settings" in the Print dialog and also untick the Headers and Footers box to see if this helps?
Unticking Headers and Footers and adjusting the margins didn't help.
However changing the paper from Letter to A4 did get the map onto a single page.
But I don't have A4 paper. :-(
Ideas for making it fit on a Letter page?
Ah, that will be the problem I think - the print version is designed for A4. I'll see if we can add an Paper Size option to the print options. We have a new release coming out soon so might be able to include it with that.
Thank you.