editing routes

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  • GEOFFREY SHIELDS Friday 05 Jun 2015 15:09:47

    I find that whatever I do the green and red blobs on the map, or on the slider, move together and are separated by 1k  or so regardless of map scale.  This renders the edit tool impractible.  How do I adjust one independently of the other?


  • plotaroute admin   Friday 05 Jun 2015 15:17:10

    Hi Geoffrey - It sounds like you're using the Drag Mode to edit your routes.  The Drag Mode is designed for editing very short sections - it's not feasible to use this for long sections as it displays a draggable marker for every point in the selected section and this would cause the browser to grind to a halt if there were lots of points selected.  For editing longer sections you can use the Replot Section feature (under the Plot menu).  This works differently and will allow you to replot a section of any length.  For further information have a look at our tutorial video on Editing Routes.



  • GEOFFREY SHIELDS Saturday 06 Jun 2015 18:36:39

    Thank you - that works v well.


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