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  • Peter Cook Friday 17 Apr 2015 07:29:31

    Hi ,I have just discovered plotaroute for using with my new Garmin etrex but would like to know if I can create/manage waypoints with plotaroute and transfer them to the etrex. And by waypoints I mean just a waypoint, not a waypoint as part of a route. I searched the forums but could not find any answer. Any help appreciated.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 17 Apr 2015 09:27:15

    Hi Peter - at present I'm afraid waypoints can only be added at points along a route.


  • Peter Cook Friday 17 Apr 2015 13:20:56


    okay, perhaps its something that could be considered for later versions.


    Any thoughts or options for doing this task, I have found a workable, if slightly clunky, way of doing it using Garmin BaseCamp but the free version has no maps to speak of so I am finding the co-ordinates for the waypoint I want from other mapping sights and using them to create the waypoint in Bascamp, then transferring to the etrex. It would be 'nicer' to be able to do it from one place but as yet I cant find anything that does the job.


    Anyway the routing abilities of plotaroute are really very very good, so thanks for the hard work.


  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 19 Apr 2015 07:48:04

    Hi Peter - we can certainly add this to our feature request list.

    Not sure about you're other point I'm afraid.  Thanks for the nice feedback about plotaroute though.


  • James Gillies   Saturday 15 Sep 2018 13:47:46

    Hi, I'm curious if the ability to add a waypoint along a track feature was ever added. My need is to be able to drop a waypoint as a marker. Very useful if at a known point along a track I have to stop to collect some information. Ideally, Id like to then transfer that waypoint along with the track as a gpx file.

    Kind regards

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 17 Sep 2018 08:44:05

    Hi James - yes, you can add markers aloing the route and these will be included as Waypoints when you download the route to a GPX file.  See our Tip on How to add symbols and labels to a route map for more information.


  • James Gillies   Thursday 20 Sep 2018 21:11:08

    Thanks. What waypoint function should I select when downloading the file as a gpx for transfer to a gps. I use a garmin etrax so im downloading as a gpx track. https://www.plotaroute.com/route/689607?units=km

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 21 Sep 2018 08:06:23

    You'd need to select "Directions" to add a GPX waypoint for each of the directions on your route when you download it.


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