Launch of Notifications Feature

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 09 Apr 2015 12:00:27

    Notifications PanelWe are very pleased to announce another significant development on - our new Notifications feature. Helping to keep you informed of relevant activities on the site, we'll now notify you of various events in the new Notifications Panel on your personal home page after signing in and on the brand new Notifications page. For example, we'll let you know:

    • when someone posts on a forum topic you started

    • when someone comments on or rates one of your routes

    • when someone starts following you

    • when someone you follow creates a new route

    We'll draw your attention to unread notifications with a red badge showing how many new notifications you have and we'll also email you to let you know about any new notifications you haven't seen. You can select which things you want us to email you about and which you don't on your My Account page.

    Thank you to the users who suggested adding this feature.

  • Garry Perratt   Sunday 14 Nov 2021 10:01:19

    I may be going mad but I thought this morning that I had three notification but the icon disappeared after I clicked on the first one so I can't see what the others were! Is this a bug or am I imagining "3" for "1"? Either way, is there a way to see all historical notifications? I sometimes receive emails about them but there was none for the one I looked at just now so presumably the mail's not sent until some time later.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 15 Nov 2021 09:31:45

    You need to click where it says "See All" in the image below. This will take your to your My Notifications page, which displays all your past notifications. We'll have a look at adding this to the navigation menus to make it eaiser to find.

  • Garry Perratt   Monday 15 Nov 2021 18:47:16

    The problem was that I couldn't even see the notification icon but I've just worked out that it's because I almost always immediately either upload/create a route of go to My Routes, none of which include the icon. In fact, the Forums view doesn't either so is it possible to add it to all pages? I had assumed the top nav row would be the same on all pages but apparently not.

    Perhaps I'm being overly picky but your track record is such that many "little things" are implemented quickly so it doesn't hurt to ask! Keep up the great work.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 16 Nov 2021 08:46:20

    Yes, the notifications are only shown on your personal home page at present. That may be something we can change but it's not a quick fix.

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