How to ruin a great website...

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  • david (aka setuid)   Thursday 28 May 2015 17:00:00

    Try using Cmd + minus to shrink the browser window's elements, which should increase the screen area rendered on that smaller screen area.


  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 14 May 2015 21:36:15

    I think the Macbook Air has a default screen resolution of 1440 x 900.  The advert panel is only 190 pixels wide, so it shouldn't take up much space - just 13% of the width of the screen.  It would be worth checking what screen resolution you have in your settings - if it is set much lower then increasing it would give you a much biegger map area.  You can do this under System Preferences, Displays, Scaled.


  • Guy Elliott   Thursday 14 May 2015 18:13:18

    Using a Macbook Air John.


  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 12 May 2015 19:35:51

    Thanks for your feedback Guy.  Can you let me know what device you are using please?  On a desktop computer the route planner advert should only take up a relatively small part of the width of the screen.  If you are using a tablet then the route planner needs to be used in landscape format.

    Alternatively, you can use our mobile route planner on a tablet (click the Mobile Site link at the bottom of the page) - this version of the route planner is designed for use on smaller screens (hence has no adverts) and has a user interface which is more suited to touch screen devices.

    We are also hoping to add a low cost ad-free subscription option in the new few months as well.



  • Guy Elliott   Tuesday 12 May 2015 18:38:08

    I have also been "hit" with these adverts today making a great site virtually unworkable but I don't want to stop using the site as it is very user friendly.  Are you saying that these ads are a format that is going to remain?  If so I am out of here but would be happy to pay a subscription otherwise.  I appreciate you need to advertise  but the massive format is so intrusive it is simply easier to go elsewhere


  • Claude Houssais Monday 30 Mar 2015 16:47:49

    Thank you John for our help. Indeed the problem was the pop-up blocking.



  • plotaroute admin   Monday 30 Mar 2015 15:20:09

    Can you let me know what browser and device you are using please?  A new tab/window should open with a print preview after selecting the print options and pressing Print.  Do you have a pop-up blocker of some sort installed by any chance?  It could be that this is preventing our site from opening the new window with the print preview.  I would recommend temporarily disabling any browser add-ons or pop-up blocking sofwtare that you have installed to see if this helps.



  • Claude Houssais Sunday 29 Mar 2015 20:18:50

    Hi John,

    When I activate the print function at the top of the open window of the selected route a small print window opens within the route window, then I activate 'print the route' button on the right hand side of the print window. Then the print window closes and nothing happens after that.



  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 28 Mar 2015 09:32:12

    Hi Claude - Can you give me a bit more information about what happens and I'll try my best to help?  I'm not aware of any problems with exporting and printing from the site, so it may be a local problem.  It would be worth trying a different browser.



  • Claude Houssais Saturday 28 Mar 2015 00:52:24

    I can not print or export any of my routes. Please advise what I should do to correct the problem.



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