Enhanced Route Editing

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 30 Jan 2014 15:56:41

    We're pleased to announce that we've upgraded the route editing features of plotaroute.com to make editing your routes even quicker and simpler. The REPLOT SECTION button under the Plot menu now provides a very simple way to replace a section of a route with an alternative path. When used together with the Auto-Plot feature, you can very quickly make substantial changes to a route by just dragging the original section to place new waypoints that mark out where you want the replacement section to go. 

    We've also made some changes to the Drag-Mode feature, which is designed for quickly editing short sections of the route. This was previously causing a slow response when editing longer routes with very large numbers of points. To avoid this, we've now limited the number of points that can be selected for dragging at any one time. Different sections can easily be selected by simply dragging the green or red markers that mark the start and end of the selected section. 

    Finally, we've updated our tutorial video on Editing Routes to demonstrate how these features work. 

  • Rob Leitch Monday 30 Jun 2014 22:03:41

    Hi, HELP!! I understand the drag mode (I think) but cannot control the red/green markers ie set them at the start/finish of the section I want to edit. They simply follow each other around the route. I note the green/red marker box at the botton is "greyed out" as if this option is either not available or selected. Any advice welcomed.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 30 Jun 2014 22:26:37

    Hi Rob,

    The Drag Mode is really only for editing short sections of the route, that's why the red and green markers'follow' each other when you drag them - it's because the maximum number of points have been selected.  When you turnon the Drag Mode all the individual points in the selected range become visible, so it's not practical to use this feature with longer sections of the route as there would be too many points.

    For editing longer sections of route it is best to use the Replot Section feature under the Plot menu.  With this feature you can select any length of route to replot as it does not need to show all the points along the selected section.

    I hope that helps.  We have a tutorial video on editing routes that you may find helpful as well.


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