I have 5 routes for a week long walking trip. Is there a way to easily combine them all into one route?
Hi Cassie - I'm afraid we don't have a way of doing this at present. I'll add it to our feature request list and build it into our development plans, as I can see this would be a useful feature.
Any movement here? I'm surprised this isn't a standard feature as it seems like it would be a very very useful option.
I was successful this morning of combining 3 separate routes that each had 10 way points into a single route map. There is now a feature in Edit that allows this, bottom right hand corner Combine Routes.
Yes, we do now have a feature to combine multiple routes together - you can find this under the Plot menu in the route planner.
I have plotted a route from home to the office. I now want to add in another cyclist who is joining the pack from his home?
Hi Lee - The Combine Routes feature is for appending another route that starts near the finish of an existing route. If you want to insert sections into the middle of a route, the best way to do this is to use the Replot Section feature - this allows you to edit part of a route, but there isn't way to insert another whole route into the middle of your route.
John, thanks for your reply. Do you undersatnd what I was looking to achieve? So the cyclists on the main route would not deviate from their route but then other cyclists would join that route having started from different locations. This would be a great team feature if it could be added.
I am trying to combine two routes - that is append route 2 to the end of route 1 but getting no 'joy' using the combine routes. Is it because I have my routes marked private ?
It shouldn't make any difference if the routes are Private or Public. The only stipulation is that the second route must start near the finish of the first route. I'm happy to look into it if you can provide more information.