Ascent calculation is inaccurate

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  • Deleted User Sunday 21 Mar 2021 08:38:02

    Hi all, In my little experience with plotaroute I've noticed e 40% error in ascent calculation.It is interesting that plotaroute is the only one (among the different apps I use) that over estimates the ascent.

    I can tell you that all other apps have the same calculation , at least within few meters, tha precesily overlap tha reading of my gps device. To give some numbers, planned route was more tha 520m ascent with plotaroute, while on the same track otehr apps expected 385m that was  exactly what I recorded.

    Moreover, if I look to the elevation only, it is accurate as all other maps.

    It is disappoint that such a good planner gives an incorrect prediction, that can't be helpfull if you are concerned about the effort reqiuired to perform that trip (ascent).

    Thanks! Any suggestion is welcome.



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