Sync with Garmin preserves track/route status of original uploadFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Mark Worthington   Tuesday 19 Mar 2024 20:58:34

    Good investigation!

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    Mark Burley   Tuesday 19 Mar 2024 20:56:02

    This is what I think is happening:

     - If I manually create a route on plotaroute and then auto-sync with garmin, the TRACK is synced

     - If I import a gpx which is a TRACK to plotaroute and save it, and auto-sync with garmin, then the TRACK is synced


     - If I import a gpx which is a ROUTE to plotaround and save it, and auto-sync with garmin, then the ROUTE is synced.


    In the last one of these cases, my Garmin invariably crashes since it can't handle a ROUTE with loads and loads of checkpoints. Clearly the file shouldn't have been saved this way in the first place, but often not a lot can be done about that since it may be provided on a website or by a race organiser for example. 

    Now I know this is happening, there is a simple workaround to import the ROUTE, export the TRACK, reimport the TRACK, re-save and then sync with Garmin. 

    But it would be great to have this as an option somewhere within plotaround such that synced files are always TRACKs, for example. 

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