Garmins not registering end of routeFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Edward Lim Monday 30 Dec 2019 03:44:30

    i've been testing my new Garmin Etrex 22 ( I have a Garmin Edge 530). I noticed about 50% of the created routes have issues - it's missing the end waypoint. So the gps only picked the last waypoint turn....before the end of the route. But when i review the route on the route looks complete - it went all the way to my house. Reviewing it on ridewithgps proves that the waypoint before my house waypoint turned out to be last final waypoint in the route. When creating the route i did click on my house to end the route.

    Both my Garmins - Etrex 22 and the Edge 530 shows the same issues on the route - it did not complete the route to my house.

    The download is GPX Route with directions. 

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    Edward Lim Monday 30 Dec 2019 03:56:47

    I needed GPX Route because that's the only way the Etrex will show a guided route. Tracks will show up on the Etrex but there's no turn directions provided on the Etrex so the tracks are just colored line on the map. Why is there such an issue with GPX Route?

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    Edward Lim Monday 30 Dec 2019 04:57:26

    I redrew the same route on RWGPS and downloaded as GPX Route - it's all good - so there's something not right with plotaroute.

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    Edward Lim Monday 30 Dec 2019 04:58:53

    Th lesson here is that you'll always have to check the route created on the GPS itself for it's correctness.

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 30 Dec 2019 09:14:57

    Waypoints are created for each of the directions when you download a GPX Route, so if you add a direction at the end of the route you should get a waypoint at that point. We'll see if we can make some changes to automatcially add a waypoint at the end if there is no direction at this point though, as this would be better. 

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    Edward Lim Tuesday 31 Dec 2019 12:12:48

    OK - please do. It's unexpected that the last waypoint or the destination itself doesn't register on the GPX Route file. Tricky to pick that up as when you view it on plotaroute it's there but when loaded into the garmins that last waypoint doesn't it could leave you with a route that's short of arriving at the destination!

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